Cookies, web beacons, and similar technology

För den svenska versionen av denna policy, klicka här: Cookies, webb beacons och liknande teknik

Effective: April 23rd, 2023


When you visit or interact with our websites, services, applications, tools, or message management, we or the service providers we have approved may use cookies, web beacons and other similar technologies to store information to provide you with a better, faster, and safer experience, and for marketing purposes.

This page is intended to help you understand more about these technologies and our use of them on our websites, and in our services, programs, and tools. Below is a summary of some key points you should be aware of about our use of such technologies. You can read our Cookie Policy below.

Our cookies and similar technologies have different uses. They are needed either for the functionality of our services, to help us improve our delivery, to provide you with extra functionality, or to help us direct relevant and customized advertisements to you. We use cookies and similar technologies that only remain on your device as long as you keep your browser active (session-based), and cookies and similar technologies that remain on your device for an extended period of time (persistent). You are free to block, delete, or disable these technologies if your device so permits. You can manage your cookies and your cookie preferences in your browser or device settings.

We use physical, technical, and organizational security measures, in relation to the amount and sensitivity of personal data, to prevent unauthorized processing, including but not limited to unauthorized access, acquisition, and use of, loss, deletion, or damage to personal data collected through our cookies and similar technologies. A unique identifier ensures that only we and/or the service providers we have authorized have access to cookie information.

Service providers are companies that help us with various aspects of our business, such as website operations, services, applications, advertising, and tools. We use some of the service providers we have approved to provide you with relevant advertisements in our services and on the Internet in general. These service providers may also place cookies on your device through our services (third-party cookies). They may also collect information to identify your device, such as the IP address, or other unique device identifiers.

What are cookies, web beacons, and similar technologies?

Like most sites, we use technologies that are essentially small data files placed on your computer, tablet, mobile phone, or other devices (hereinafter referred to as “device”) that enable us to collect certain information when you visit or interact with our websites, services, applications, messaging services, and tools.

The specific names and types of cookies, web beacons, and other similar technologies we use may change from time to time. To help you better understand this Cookie Policy and our use of such technologies, below are some concepts and definitions:

Cookies – Small text files (usually consisting of letters and numbers) that are stored in the memory of your browser or device when you visit a website, or read a message. Cookies allow a website to recognize a particular device or browser. Thereareseveraltypesof cookies:

  • Session cookies remain as long as your browser is active, and allow us to link your actions during the current browser session.
  • Persistent cookies are stored on your device in between browser sessions, allowing us to remember your preferences or actions across multiple sites.
  • First-party cookies are set by the site you are visiting.
  • Third-party cookies are used by a third-party website, separate from the website you visit. Cookies can be disabled or removed by tools that are available in most browsers on the market. Each browser you use must be set up separately, and different browsers have different features and options.

Web beacons – Small graphic images (also called “pixel tags”, or “clear GIFs”) that may be on our websites and in our services, applications, messaging services, and tools. Web beacons are normally used in conjunction with cookies to identify our users and user behaviour.

Similar technologies – Technologies that store information in your browser or device using locally shared objects or local storage, such as flash cookies, HTML 5 cookies, and other web application software. These technologies work in all your browsers, and in some cases may not be managed by your browser alone, but may need to be managed directly through your applications or device. We do not use such technologies to store information, or to direct advertising to you on or outside our web pages.

We use the terms “cookies” or “similar technologies” in our policies to refer to any technologies that we may use to store information in your browser or device, or to collect information, or identify you as described above.

Your choice and our use of cookies, web beacons, and similar technologies

Some of the features, services, applications, and tools we offer are available only through the use of these technologies. You always have the option to block, remove, or disable these technologies if your browser, applications, or device so allow. If you do not accept cookies or similar technologies, you may not be able to use certain features, services, applications, or tools on the website. You may also need to enter your password repeatedly during your visit. For more information on how you can block, delete, or disable these technologies, please review your browser or device settings.

Generally, these technologies are used by our websites, services, applications, and tools to store relevant information in your browser or device, and later use that information to identify you in our servers or internal systems. Where possible, we protect our cookies and similar technologies to ensure that only we and/or the service providers we have approved can interpret them by assigning them a unique identifier that is only valid for us. We do not store any personal information in any of our cookies, or other similar technologies.

Any personal information that we collect and store through use of these technologies is first obtained through notice and consent; we obtain your consent by providing you with transparent notice of use of the technologies, and providing you with the opportunity to make a choice to disable these technologies as described above.

Our use of such technologies falls into the following categories:

1 . Operationally necessary. We may use cookies, web beacons, or other similar technologies that are necessary for the operation of our websites, services, applications, and tools. This includes technologies that give you access to our websites, services, applications, and tools, which are necessary to identify unauthorized use of the site, to prevent fraud and to improve security, or to enable you to use our services such as shopping carts, saved searches, or similar services;

  1. Performance. We may use cookies, web beacons, and similar technologies to evaluate the performance of our websites, applications, services, and tools. They may also be used as part of our analysis to understand how our visitors use our websites, and to determine whether you have used our messaging services, determine whether you have seen an item or link, or to improve content, applications, services, or tools on our websites;
  2. FunctionalityWe may use cookies, web beacons, and similar technologies to provide enhanced functionality when using our websites, services, applications, or tools. This may include identifying you when you log in to our websites, or managing your personal preferences, interests, or previously displayed items so that we can improve how the content is presented on our websites;
  3. Targeted advertising. We may use first-party or third-party cookies and web beacons to display content, including advertisements relevant to you on our or third-party websites. This includes using technologies to understand the benefits to you of the advertisements and content that have been delivered to you, such as whether you have clicked on an advertisement or not.

Use of current technology by our authorized service providers

We may cooperate with other companies or service providers who we allow to place third-party cookies, web beacons, and similar technologies to store information on our websites, or in our services, applications, and tools. These service providers help us provide you with a better, faster, and more secure experience.

These service providers may use such technologies to help us deliver our own content and advertising, and to compile anonymous statistics and analyses. We do not permit any of these service providers to collect any of your personal information on our sites or in our services, applications, or tools for their own purposes. These service providers are subject to confidentiality agreements with us and other legal restrictions on their use or collection of any personal information. Third-party cookies are subject to the service providers’ privacy policy.

With the exception of the use of such technologies by our service providers or other authorized third-parties, we do not allow third-party content on our websites (e.g., advertisements, communication between members, comments, reviews, etc.,) to contain or use cookies, web beacons, local storage, or similar technologies for tracking purposes, or to collect personal information. If you suspect that an advertisement or other content from a third party is collecting personal information, or using tracking technology on one of our websites, please report it to

Advertising networks and exchanges operated by authorized third parties

We may engage third parties, such as advertising networks and exchanges, to offer you advertisements. These advertising networks and exchanges may use third-party cookies, web beacons, and similar technologies to collect information. They may also collect your device’s identity, IP address, or identifier for advertising. The information that such third parties collect will be used to personalize the advertisements that we display to you on our or other websites. Third-party cookies are subject to the service providers’ privacy policy.

For more information about third-party advertising-related cookies and how to opt out, please refer to the following websites:

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